Tracing letters or connecting the dotted lines in Preschool writing class help children to develop their tripod grip, fine motor control, and sense of perfection in output. However, I feel that it is not as beneficial as freehand. Children concentrate more on connecting the broken lines rather than thinking about the real image of the letter or the technique in writing. Learning to write freehand improves children's observational writing skills. As they perceived the image in their brain they will try to illustrate it using hands. Of course, it involves thinking the technique in writing that out. Son: Mommy, Letter R looks like a head with legs. Mom: How do you think we can write that? Son:Head first, it's a circle. Though it seems that letter R doesn't really look like that in reality and it is not the proper way of writing that, we still need to acknowledge, how the child interprets his understanding. Then, slowly guide them in figuring out the co...